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The line...


I’m drawn to pen and ink, and it’s a good place to start. Most of what I do begins with the written word, but my hand shakes a little now, and with each passing year my writing looks more and more like my grandmother's did. So while now I usually use a keyboard to write, say, a story, when it comes to making art, I fall back on my lettering as the basis, and instead of trying to tame it, to control it, I let my “marks” sing, sigh, sob, howl, lament, exclaim and exalt.

THE stroke...

Even though most of us learned to write using the same rules and the same type of lined paper, somehow we each ended up with handwriting that's absolutely unique, and that changes and grows as we do. Even if you and I had identical names, our signatures, our marks, would look completely different. Our voices, whatever shape they take, whatever expression, are ours alone, as are our stories.

THE gesture...