Queen Bees

Between demos, Riki Schumacher's sold out Queen's Lace workshop on Saturday was a beehive of activity...ladies tap-tap-tapping with hammers, filing away on pendants, stamping letters into metal, and, yes, soldering with torches. During the demos, Riki held everyone's attention with her expert guidance and upbeat personality. Her enthusiasm and creativity were contagious. 

"Inspiration for my creativity comes from a love of many areas. I have a passion for vintage objects, and France. Since a child, I always had a love for old items, whether it was old watches I would take apart, or lovely antique furniture. I remember grandmother's house with a gorgeous old black wall phone, and the old skeleton keys and brass door knobs in her old 30's house. She had floral wall paper in most rooms, and a sun porch that doubled as a bedroom for renters. The heavy oak swing door between the kitchen and the dining room was a great source for calamity, and the wood floors served up endless hours of fun sliding from one room to the other in socks. These great memories leave me with a warm feeling, and inspire me to use vintage objects in my work as a reflection of those days.

The French influence is a strong one, pulling me back to France every couple of years. I assumed that attraction was just coincidence, loving the food and the sights. Who could not love visiting the Mona Lisa and the Eiffel Tower. But recently have learned I most likely have roots there. It gives me great joy to use French flea market finds in my pieces, the older the better.

I also draw from music, quotes and art work that touches me. Keep a notebook and pencil handy at all times, you never know when inspiration might crop up!"

This workshop was such a success that we're already planning the next one. Be among the first to hear about it by signing up for our newsletter