Here We Come!

Two more fantastic artists onboard, and I'm almost ready to go live with this website. What an exciting process this is!   

I met Marie Kelzer at one of my favorite events of the year, the L.A. Printers Fair, where she had a booth selling her exquisite paste paper products. Actually, I had bought some papers from her last year at the fair but didn't really converse with her. This time, as I was deciding which pack of her paper-wrapped pencils to buy, I impulsively asked her if she might be interested in teaching a workshop for me and, not knowing me from Adam, she gave me a definite "maybe." We got together for lunch a week later and had a chance to get to know each other...we could have talked all day, felt a definite connection, and here she is!     

Not far from Marie's booth was Jeannine Stein's. As a lover of artist books and a photographer with a deep appreciation of vintage processes, the moment I set eyes on her tiny handmade books with the tintype covers, I was smitten. We seemed to have an instant affinity which was confirmed when we met for dinner a couple weeks later. Best of all, Jeannine was open to my idea of collaborating on a workshop where we would combine my Auratone process with her bookmaking for a similar look to the tintype-covered books that first attracted my attention.