The "I" in iPhoneography

©Bob Weil

The "I" in iPhonegraphy is Bob Weil (sounds like "while). In yet another of those serendipitous follow-the-dots adventures, I began at Seth Apter's blog which led me to Lumilyon (Nettie Edwards), who led me to, where I found Nicki Fitz-Gerald, who connected me to Bob. We recently met at Starbucks, one of his favorite places for mining the unposed cafe shots he frequently incorporates into his photomontages. 

Let me step back a bit. iPhoneography is something I was doing without realizing it had a name...I had downloaded a couple photo apps on my iPhone but quickly abandoned them because I felt like they were making the magic, not me. Plus, my photos ended up looking a lot like everyone else's who was using the same app. Meh.

Enter Bob Weil. Turns out you can make stunning and UNIQUE fine art images using phone just have to learn how to control them, make the most of them, and, as the great man himself (Ansel Adams) said, pre visualize them.

Bob is the co-author (with Nicki Fitz-Gerald) of "The Art of iPhoneography," a beautifully even sumptuously produced how-to book published by Rocky Nook and a leading proponent of the genre. And he's ours...YES, he's agreed to teach not one but two workshops for Make Art in L.A. Stay tuned for dates...the "I" in iPhoneogaphy can be YOU!